Thursday, 14 August 2014

Volume Challenge

For maths week, we have been learning about measurement.Yesterday we talked about volume.We learnt that to work out the volume of a shape you use length,with and height.Our challenge was to work in pairs and  use the unlink cubes to make as many different creations  as we could, with a volume of 8. I found it easy to build the creations. I found it tricky to decide which ones to build. Next time I need to work on deciding which shapes to do.


Linda Stopforth said...

It is good to have a friend to work with I bet it was fun. I really enjoying seeing what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Great work with your exhibit Chloe! I can clearly see that you have understood the concept and have made a variety of creations with a volume of 8. You have also been able to explain how to calculate volume of one of your creations. Ka pai mahi!